Center Ridge Rd.
North Ridgeville, OH

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Patellofemoral Syndrome
My teenage daughter has had knee pain for years and was just diagnosed with Patella Femoral Syndrome. What is it?
Patellafemoral Syndrome (PFS) is probably the most common knee problem for most teenagers and high school athletes. It is simply the irritation caused by the patella; better know as the kneecap, rubbing against the femur, or thighbone underneath it. The bigger question is why does this occur? During the teenage years our bones grow faster than our muscle can keep up with. This leads to growing pains, clumsiness and poor mechanics in the body. These poor mechanics are what leads to PFS. The majority of time, PFS is a result of hip weakness. When our hips are weak, our femurs rotate internally (toward the opposite knee) when our feet hit the ground while walking or running, when we traverse stairs, while squatting or during any other of the many weight bearing activities of our daily lives. When this internal rotation occurs at the femur, the far end of it bumps into the floating patella. If this happens once or twice, no big deal; but if you think about the thousands of steps we take during the day and multiply it by the number of days we walk, that is a lot of unintended rubbing. Not only is it painful, but if left untreated it can lead to Chondromalacia. This is an advanced form of PFS where the cartilage of the two bones that are rubbing break down and loose structural integrity. This is much more painful and can lead to early arthritis. So if your child has persistent knee pain associated with activity please contact your health care provider.