Center Ridge Rd.
North Ridgeville, OH

Ph: 440.327.0299
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Hemp Oil Cleveland
Neck Pain
My neck has been hurting me for years, but my MRI didn’t show anything wrong. Could this all be in my head?
The short answer is not likely. The long answer is that there are a variety of structures in your neck that can cause pain and do not show up on MRI. A MRI is currently some of the best technology available, but it is not 100% clear or strong enough to pick up microscopic changes in tissue. When you initially hurt your neck years ago, an inflammatory response most likely accompanied it. During this inflammatory response, the body also produces microscopic collagen adhesions that cause any tissue that it lays down upon to not function in original fashion. No matter what the structure may be: muscle, tendon, ligament, joint capsule, disc or nerve, they are not immune to these adhesions. This tends to be the most common pathology associated with injuries that do not show on a MRI. They are very real and can be very irritating to the normal function of any body part.