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Back Pain with Sit-Ups
Sit –ups hurt my back, is there another exercise that I can do for my abs?
There are many abdominal strengthening exercises that should not aggravate your low back. Here are a few, in no particular order of importance. Try them all and see which ones work for you. 1. Lying on your stomach, try holding your body up between your elbows and your toes, sustaining this position for one minute. If this is too difficult, try lifting up between your elbows and your knees. If it is too easy, try lifting one of your legs two inches from the surface, then alternating to the other leg, repeating this every ten seconds until you reach fatigue. 2. Lie on your back, with your right leg straight and your left leg bent at 90 degrees at your hip and knee. Place your right hand on the inside of your left knee. Press your right hand into your left knee as hard as you can, sustain this pressure for ten seconds and then switch sides. Repeat until fatigue. 3. Starting on your back with both legs bent up to 90 degrees at your hips and knees. Slowly lower both legs simultaneously, straightening your knees as your legs get lower. When your back begins to arch then slowly bring your legs back up to the starting position. Repeat this until fatigue. If this is too difficult, try lowering one leg at a time, alternating between the right and left. All the above exercises should be done without pain, during the exercise and after as well.