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Back Pain After Sleeping
My back is stiff in the morning. Could it be my mattress even if it is new and firm?
The short answer is not likely. The long answer is that the majority of lower back pain or stiffness after sleeping is usually associated with your body’s position while sleeping. Most people do not think sleeping as a stressful activity, but any sustained position on the body can cause a mechanical stress to a variety of structures. The most optimal position is to lie on ones back with their legs straight, but this can lead to snoring and unhappy spouses. Sleeping on ones stomach is good for the back, but not good for ones neck. So all we are left with is side lying. When we sleep on our sides there are certain positions to avoid. We do not want to get into the fetal position. Try to keep your legs as straight as possible, or at least make sure to keep your knees lower than your hips. Another good side lying position is to put your bottom leg straight and bend your top leg. Reducing the mechanical stressors during sleep should help diminish the stiffness in your back each morning.